Successful home building is the art of anticipating the changing needs of home buyers. At Shipley Builders, we have perfected a method that pin- points the features and lifestyle that people want.
From planning and design, to excavation and construction, our team of professionals tend to every detail in building your dream home. We believe that quality and customer satisfaction comes first.
The Design/Build Advantage
The design/build approach to building brings together professional design and construction expertise. One company handles both design and construction, which means you enjoy greater continuity of service. This joining of the design and construction functions also can save you time and money and helps make you, the customer, more of a partner in your construction project.
You are part of the design/build team
As the customer, you are the most important member of the design/build team. Your wishes and ideas drive design, material selection and budget. Bring your specific design concerns and desires, and Shipley will provide the build and design experience that turn your ideas into reality. Shipley Builders can council you in choosing material and finishes for your home that represent good values within your budget.
Give us a call, we'd like to buy you a cup of coffee and talk about building your new home.